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A "Microsoft® 360 Wireless Wheel" is not normally supported by any of the consoles Drive Hub supports, not even Xbox One®/Xbox Series X|S®, so it will need Drive Hub to translate/convert.
Be aware that while Drive Hub supports this 360 wheel, it does not support the Xbox 360® console itself. A select few games such as the first Forza Horizon® are supported but only through backwards compatibility on Xbox One®/Xbox Series X|S®.
A 360 Wireless Gaming Receiver is required. Official ones can be difficult to find, but most third party ones should work just fine.
Connect the appropriate authentication controller for your console to Drive Hub's "Controller" port. In most cases, this is the official first party controller of the console you are playing on, but on PS5® it needs to be one of the controllers specifically listed in the Compatibility List.
Plug the Wireless Gaming Receiver into Drive Hub's "Wheel/Controller" port.
On the front of the wheel, HOLD the GUIDE (Xbox® logo) button in the center of the wheel, or the button, until the wheel turns on and the GUIDE button lights up with green lights flashing around it.
PRESS the Wireless Gaming Receiver's CONNECT button. The receiver will flash green.
PRESS the 360 Wireless Wheel's CONNECT button. The wheel's lights will flash and revolve to show it is searching for the Wireless Gaming Receiver. Wait until they stop flashing and remain on in one of the quarter sections around the GUIDE button to confirm a successful connection.