
Access Manual & Email buttons. Email support with your current profile settings automatically included to assist in finding a resolution.

1e. Support

Support Help

Tap the Support icon, located on the bottom-bar, to either open or close the "Support" section.

This features the GAMEPACK Name & Version Number, alongside buttons for the Changelog, Manual, & Email:

The Changelog links to the news page for GAMEPACK updates.

The Manual button links to GAMEPACK documentation that goes into specific and up-to-date detail. If you are experiencing issues, please exhaust our video & written resources in their intended order, before using the Email button to contact our Support Team.

The Email button will ask to launch your Email app. It will automatically attach your current profile & system data. This detailed breakdown of your settings can assist our team in identifying the cause & finding a solution:

👍 Please answer the questions to the best of your ability. ⚠️ If NO answer is provided, your Email will be disregarded by our Support Team.

👎 Please AVOID vague information like "It's not working" or "I've tried everything" as this will cause our Support Team to reply with general enquiries, which will delay a resolution.

Once you have sent your Email, please allow up to 3 days for a reply before sending another & refrain from spamming, as this will delay our response to you.

Remember that tapping the Support icon again will close the section.

2. Weapon Swap Mode

And that covers "Support". "Weapon Swap Mode" will be covered next...

Last updated