Weapon Voice
"Speech" in addition to including the Weapon Selector, provides a Weapon Voice Controller Shortcut where you can just say the weapon name, automatically assigning your ACTIVE Weapon Slot in the process.
Once you are in-game, ensure that you are swapped to the ACTIVE Weapon Slot that you intend to assign a GENERIC Fire Mode or an Optimized Weapon to.
To have Weapon Voice listen for your command, while HOLDING ACTIVATOR, TAP RIGHT BUMPER. You will feel a continuous rumble & depending on your smartphone settings, you may hear a mic listening sound.
While you can still feel the rumbling, clearly 🗣️ speak the weapon name to your smartphone:
If all went well, the rumbling will stop, and your ACTIVE Weapon Slot should visibly change on the app to your current in-game weapon. Again, your smartphone may also make a sound in accordance with a successful or unsuccessful recognition.
If an error occurs during recognition, the rumbling will stop & your ACTIVE Weapon Slot WILL NOT change. It is also possible for it to change to the wrong weapon if it has trouble understanding you.
If you are experiencing this issue, assign a weapon on the app as previously explained in Weapon Setup, then tap the speech icon below to hear the correct pronunciation for next time. If you have trouble pronouncing your weapon in this way, you can hold your finger on the speech icon until the Voice Nickname menu appears. From here, you record a Voice Nickname with your voice, or you can clear your existing recording.
Note: Weapon Voice CANNOT be used to call Block M.O.D.s from the GENERIC Category.
Last updated