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"Weapon Swap Mode" is a M.O.D. CENTRAL™ GAMEPACK Configuration setting in XDef GAMEPACK! This setting concerns the Weapon Slot system used for managing different Weapon M.O.D.s (Macros On Demand), Anti-Recoil, and Settings for your in-game weapons.
Before you can utilize the powerful Weapon M.O.D. customization options available, such as per Weapon Slot Fire Modes, Optimized Anti-Recoil, and Quick Edit Adjustments, you will need to become familiar with the Weapon Slot system itself.
Only the ACTIVE Weapon Slot will affect your controls. Being aware of which slot is active prevents you from unintentionally firing a weapon with the wrong Weapon M.O.D.s applied. Fortunately, LED indication for each mode provides a visual cue on the GAMEPACK's current status.
The default mode for this GAMEPACK is "Automatic". Its "Loadout Selector" consisting of four pairings of Primary & Secondary Weapon Slots, integrates well with four "in-game" Custom Weapon Loadouts.
If you want to get started as soon as possible, you can stick to Automatic and follow the Quick Start for that below, or you can follow the links to learn the full details about each mode further down this page:
Automatic tracks your "Switch Weapon" button presses, swapping between Weapon Slots.
The Bright LED is the ACTIVE Slot, whereas the Dim LED is the Inactive Slot:
It is often necessary to resync with your game, after respawns, menu access, etc.
1. Switch to your "in-game" Primary Weapon.
Tip - To reduce desync, turn off the in-game setting, "Auto-Switch Weapon".
To suit different preferences, four "Weapon Swap Mode" options have been provided. You can select from: Automatic, Manual, Direct, and Hybrid.
See the links below to learn the full details about each mode:
XB: While VIEW/ACTIVATOR is HELD, LEFT TRIGGER can be TAPPED to change the ACTIVE Loadout. Stick to Loadout 1 when you are first starting out:
PS: While TOUCHPAD/ACTIVATOR is HELD, LEFT TRIGGER can be TAPPED to change the ACTIVE Loadout. Stick to Loadout 1 when you are first starting out:
The Bright LED is the ACTIVE Slot, whereas the Dim LED is the Inactive Slot. The PS controller's LED will also indicate & :