Shot M.O.D. Activation


"Shot M.O.D. Activation" is a M.O.D. CENTRAL™ GAMEPACK Configuration Setting that determines how and when an assigned Shot M.O.D. (Macro On Demand) will be activated. It is commonly available in most Modern Shooter-type GAMEPACKs.

TL;DR version: Use "Any Fire" unless the Shot M.O.D. is causing specific gameplay issues, in which case, try "ADS Fire" or "Fully Hold Fire - Activate".

Page Contents

Any Fire

This option will "usually" be the default. It will always activate the assigned Shot M.O.D. while your FIRE button is being PRESSED. It will also be needed when your game DOES NOT have an Aim Down Sights (ADS) or equivalent button. It could be problematic if your game uses your FIRE button for vehicle acceleration or other shared gameplay activities. For example, certain Shot M.O.D.s may switch seats or exit the vehicle.

ADS Fire

This option will be ideal if most of your time is spent Aiming Down Sights (ADS). It will activate the assigned Shot M.O.D. while your ADS & FIRE buttons are being PRESSED TOGETHER. It will deactivate otherwise.

Fire Only

This option will activate the assigned Shot M.O.D. while your FIRE button is being PRESSED, but it will deactivate if your ADS button is being pressed.

Fully Hold Fire

These options will take advantage of the analog nature of your FIRE "TRIGGER", allowing you to determine when to use the assigned Shot M.O.D.:

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