Anti-Recoil Mode


"Anti-Recoil Mode" is an advanced M.O.D. CENTRAL™ GAMEPACK Configuration Setting, available in certain Shooter-type GAMEPACKs. It has gone through several iterations, so the available options and their names vary across GAMEPACKs.

Page Contents

This section applies to Modern GAMEPACKs and a select few older GAMEPACKs with the latest implementation of Anti-Recoil Mode. If a GAMEPACK uses an older implementation, follow the specific instructions in its manual instead.

The latest Anti-Recoil Mode implementation encompasses options affecting the use of Anti-Recoil with "in-game" aim assist, the entry & exit behavior for Quick Edit Mode, and disabling Anti-Recoil altogether:

Available Modes

Most games have an "in-game" aim assist, NOT to be confused with the Aim Assist M.O.D. (Macro On Demand). Depending on the "in-game" implementation, it may noticeably affect Anti-Recoil. What looks correct when firing at a wall may slightly drift up when firing on an enemy or other object with aim assist, such as a training dummy. Anti-Recoil Mode provides the following modes to mitigate this:

TL;DR version:

"Standard"/Off-Enemy disregards aim assist, slightly drifting up when firing on enemy.

"Precision"/On-Enemy controls recoil better on enemy, but drifts down if your aim goes off enemy.


"Standard" mode, also known as "Off-Enemy", WILL NOT account for aim assist's influence, relying on you to slightly tilt your aim/camera stick down as needed. If you DO NOT find this bothersome, use this mode. To maintain Standard behavior, Quick Edit Adjustments MUST be test-fired & fine-tuned against a wall, billboard, or static target that clearly DOES NOT have aim assist (non-assisted).


"Precision" mode, also known as "On-Enemy", will apply a hidden & game-specific Anti-Recoil multiplier, calculated by our team to account for aim assist's influence. To maintain Precision behavior, Quick Edit Adjustments MUST be test-fired & fine-tuned against an enemy or training dummy that clearly HAS aim assist (assisted). This mode will require you to be precise. DO NOT fire until you are directly aimed on an enemy within aim assist's effective range, otherwise, Anti-Recoil will be too strong and your aim will drift down.

Trigger Dynamic

"Trigger Dynamic" mode, also known as "Dynamic", will take advantage of the analog nature of your FIRE "TRIGGER", allowing you to adapt to each scenario. It will take practice to use it effectively:

Our team is considering a solution for certain GAMEPACKs where Anti-Recoil Mode will be replaced with a behavior that applies an Anti-Recoil multiplier as the analog stick is being aimed.

Old Quick Edit

"Old Quick Edit" changes Quick Edit entry & exit behavior to resemble the past implementation of several Legacy GAMEPACKs. Our team DOES NOT recommend this option when given the choice, as it wastes ammunition and leads to accidental adjustments. It was introduced to ease long time M.O.D.|PASS™ users into the Modern GAMEPACK structure. This option may eventually disappear from existing & future GAMEPACKs to make room for new features & settings. When using this option, remember the following information for the Quick Edit Anti-Recoil section:

No Anti-Recoil

"No Anti-Recoil" disables Anti-Recoil across the entire GAMEPACK, resembling the "Anti-Recoil Disabled" option of older Legacy GAMEPACKs. While somewhat redundant, it serves a purpose for quickly testing without Anti-Recoil. This option may eventually disappear from existing & future GAMEPACKs to make room for new features & settings, as you can easily avoid applying Anti-Recoil by NOT assigning Supported Weapons (Optimized Weapons), and leaving Anti-Recoil values set to 0.

Last updated